Tuesday, July 27, 2010

And here we go......

Hello Friends!
It has been almost a year since I stopped blogging full-time and after MANY changes I am back at it. I have decided to return to the blogging world because I have a passion for blogging and now that I am back to work only 2 days a week and my boys are both in school I have a "little" time. When deciding to come back I knew that this blog could not be the same as it was because I am not the same girl I was a year ago. My blog will still have lots of my recipes that you all love so much, but there is a TWIST!

Back in February we as a family made a dramatic change in how we eat. Things had gotten out of control. I was working so much and so stressed that not only my eating habits but Doug and the kids as well had gotten less than sub-standard. Of course; right I am the vessel to which all things food come out of this house. I had always been a pretty fair eater but with busy schedules we moved to cheap, fast, and easy. As a result our health as a family deteriorated. I was suffering from insomnia, joint pain, heart problems, and depression. Doug was ALWAYS tired and lacked the energy he had once had. My boys were sick ALL the time. Many of you know we would be sick for two weeks and "well" for one. Countless doctor appointments, antibiotics, and sleepless nights had worn us down.

In February Doug and I took a much needed week vacation to Hawaii for our ten year wedding anniversary. While there we actually had time to take a breath. During that week we did lots of talking and realized how unhappy we both were and how desperately we as a couple wanted to make a change for the good to protect the well being of our family. We have been blessed with the type of relationship that seems to end up at the same fork in the road, at the same time. We are an excellent team! So we made the decision that week that we would move forward with a fresh start. We shook on it, and that was all she wrote.

Once returning we set up a plan of how we would approach our new life. This life for all of us would include proper nutrition, exercise, and positive family time together. Over the course of the next few months we did everything we could to learn as much about what our bodies need to thrive and most importantly what our beautiful boys need to thrive.

So that is what this blog will be from now on. Our/my journey to whole health as a family. I will share with you what I have learned, I will share with you what we eat with a promise that EVERY recipe on this blog will be healthy and safe for your family. Many things we eat are the same but with a new twist. I will put up a warning; some things I share you may not agree with and that is OK. Lets dialogue. There is a comment section for a reason. I would also love your input as well on what works in your family.

My promises are as follows:
1. Every recipe will be healthy (you won't have to worry about what to change or cut out)

2.If I state an opinion that is "mine" you will know. If it is research based you will know that as well.

3.I will help get the word out on proper nutrition for our kids. I won't just tell you what NOT to do, I will share with you what you CAN do. You are the "moms" you build the families.

4. I will make you laugh because trust me I make terrible mistakes in life, most of which are hysterical to others :)

So enough blah, blah, Let's get started!!!!!!

1 comment:

Ryan, Jane, Nate and Zach said...

I'm glad your starting up the ol' blog again!
I love recipes....
